Friday, September 25, 2009

Flash Movie Reviews: "Surrogates"

So I went to see "Surrogates" tonight, and came away mixed. The film treads on interesting territory. What would the world be like if we all stayed home and experienced everything through an artificial interface?

One thing that leaped out at me about the film's notion of robots being the only things walking around was, where would people eat? I can't believe everyone would just eat take-out, or make their food at home. Eating is too wrapped up with how we socialize. And you certainly couldn't do that with a robotic avatar.

On top of that, the movie mixes together multiple elements and wraps them up just a little too neatly for my taste. I would have preferred a film which stopped to think about the world it created instead of just rushing through it to tidy conclusion.

It's worth a viewing, but wait for the DVD. Or maybe you can just download it?

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