Wednesday, September 23, 2009

WTF: White Jim Crow?!

Rush is worried about a "White Jim Crow". Does he think he's going to have to give up his private plane to Jay-Z or something?

Or is he worried about being lynched? I don't think there's a tree branch big enough to hold up his fat ass. Besides, when the rampaging hordes of "blacks" (as he likes to call them) from "Obama's America" (as opposed to Real America), come for him, he can just barricade himself in his Palm Beach mansion with a shitload of Oxycontin and ride it out.

Rush and his ilk must be terrified that payback is a bitch. Of course, that's not how it works. Even as America changes, there's no threat white privilege will go away any time soon. The typical black person also doesn't have it in for white people the way racists like Rush think they do.

Through his comments, it looks like Rush, and those who support what he says, are projecting their own racial anger and resentment onto others.

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