Monday, October 26, 2009

In case there was still any doubt...

... about what the Republicans think about America. Via Americablog, I see the latest racist excrement finding its way out of the belly of the GOP.

And just for bonus points, is the President eating fried chicken? It is a safe bet some of the people espousing views like this have their own black relatives. Why else would they be so upset?

I could go on and on about how stupid and shortsighted views like this represent, but what's the point? It should be evident to all but the most self-delusional among us that the core of the Republican Party is lost to the rest of the country.

And if this is what they are about, good riddance.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blackface and Crackers

The picture above made me laugh because I think the guy actually believes he's disguised himself as a black person. This is different from traditional blackface which seeks to make fun of black people and grossly exaggerates their features.

The photo comes from this Der Spiegel story. A well-known German film maker "disguised" himself as a "black" German to see how differently people reacted to him. The story is well-worth a read, if only for the critical view of such behavior which I'd never expect to see in US-based publication. The article doesn't duck, dodge or deny racism.

And in case you're wondering, here is a useful guide to the difference between a White Person and a "Cracker".


Monday, October 19, 2009

Paging Troy McClure

I remember actor Troy McClure, voiced by the late great Phil Hartman, hosting a special episode of "The Simpsons" which featured some possible spinoffs of the show. They were quite silly, and consequently funny to look at. "Could they really be that dumb?", I thought.

Apparently, "they" could, if "The Cleveland Show" is any indication. I've touched on the before, but found a much better discussion of the issue from The New Republic's John McWhorter.

McWhorter's point is that the show is simply a retread of Family Guy with black characters in the main roles:

The Cleveland Show is reminiscent of all-black productions of musicals in the old days such as the Hello, Dolly! with Pearl Bailey. The underlying notion was that because you couldn’t cast a black performer in a non-black role in a mainstream production, it made theatrical sense to concoct an occasion for there to be a black Dolly, a black Horace Vandergelder, a black Barnaby singing “It Only Takes a Moment.” What mattered was not the particulars of the performances – the names of the performers in these all-black mock-ups, other than the superstar leads, were quickly forgotten – but the fact that black people were doing them at all.
So, instead of a new comedy with a strong cast, McWhorter argues we're getting Family Guy in blackface, and I find it hard to disagree.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is "Post-Racial" America?!

Another racist redneck thinks my family isn't legitimate: Interracial Couple denied marriage license.

Did it ever occur to this brain-dead fucking moron that marriage has never been a precondition for interracial couples in this country. I seem to recall a certain First Lady has interracial ancestors. Which makes her interracial, I guess.

Or does it not count to this fuck-tard because her great-great-grandfather owned her great-great-grandmother?

Are these people even capable of thinking rationally?

Attn Michael Steele: This is "What Up"

The "new" website--which I'm NOT linking to--probably would have had a much better launch yesterday if they'd just had Megan McCain on it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Too Little (Price) Discrimination can be a bad thing

I saw this article the other day in the LA Times reporting the the University of California is going to start charging a premium for some undergrad Engineering classes. They believe this makes sense because the affected majors have "higher than average" salaries. Since I'm a lapsed--or failed--Econ major, it piqued my curiosity.

Price Discrimination, for those of you who have a life, is the act of charging different prices for the same thing. This Wikipedia article gives a good introduction. I'm sure you can think of many examples, but airline fares are a common one. The same product--a seat on a plane--is sold by the airlines for vastly different prices. Producers can get away with this because they're able to segment the market into groups of consumers who are willing to pay the differing prices.

It seems to me if UC believes a little price discrimination is good, why shouldn't it apply this across majors? If Engineering degrees lead to a higher earning potential, shouldn't ones such as Education and Social Work be much cheaper, since graduates in them have lower than average earnings?

LA Times - UC may hike tuition for some undergraduate majors
Washington Monthly - College for $99 a Month

Wikipedia - Price discrimination

Friday, October 9, 2009

Kennett KKK Kard

I feel very lucky to have spent a lot of my childhood in and around the South and managed to avoid getting indoctrinated with the racist mentality which permeates the place.

From the Field Negro, I found this video about a woman in Kennett Missouri, home of Sheryl Crow and just 10 miles from where my father spent most of his life.

A young woman has been accused of cutting in line at Wal-mart. Apparently that's a serious crime there, although I never saw any problems with it the last time I was in there. But this woman is now looking at 15 years in prison for assaulting a police officer.

When the woman and her family organized a protest, a policeman showed up at their house with a "KKK" Card that said "this time the visit is social, but next time it won't be".

I have to respect the woman's mom for not trying to beat that racist redneck down right there. But since he was a cop, maybe even in uniform, I guess she had to restrain herself.

Update: A more detailed account of the story can be found here.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Train through NIMBY-land

The California High Speed Rail Authority has released their recommended alternatives for the route between San Jose and San Francisco. This is rife with NIMBY issues, because the very rich, cosmopolitan residents of the Peninsula are all for "Green" transit, as long as it doesn't go through their neighborhood.

For Kansas City-based readers, this issue is similar to figuring out the best route to take a train traveling 100+mph through the best parts of Leawood and Mission Hills.

Great Fun!

Since I'm local to Sunnyvale, its interesting to see they're recommending going underground, either as a tunnel or an open trench. I can only imagine how disruptive that is going to be. They're already tearing the streets up for the Murphy Avenue improvement project.